Friday 11 March 2011

Creating Your Vision

Ever woken up and had a "Eureka" moment, where you have just seen the future and the career and life that you really want is visualised there, in front of you?

Many of us find ourselves in that situation more than once in a lifetime, and it fills us with purpose, energy and drive to do something positive and meaningful.

How many of us have actually "realised" this vision? Probably none of us.

There are several reasons for this:

1. We become fixed to the outcomes and circumstances rather than focussing on the task of 'creating' or 'building' the vision
2. We listen to the opinions and criticisms of the vision from others, and decide they must be right rather than trusting your own wisdom
3. We rationalise our situation and then find excuses and barriers to success
4. We become overwhelmed by our thoughts about all the possible outcomes, and convince ourselves that we cannot possibly "deliver the goods"

I can guarantee that you have displayed at least 1 of the 4 behaviours before in some form when planning action.

The key point here is to see that these are external influences that we are clinging onto. Everything you see above is a product of thought, not reality.

Take this example:

You set out that you want to give every client the body and lifestyle they desire. That they really can achieve anything they want with you training them.
This is your vision

No matter what, that will not change - if it is something you are truly passionate about and have come to you in one of 'those' moments I mentioned earlier

Having not created this or even started it, who is to say whether it will be successful or not?

Noone, not even you

The only way it will 100% NOT be successful is to not take the next step and start creating the vision

The phrase "paralysis by analysis" is a very apt one in this case, because to think too much about something is clouding your judgement with too many thoughts to really find the truly right option.

Some call this "getting to the heart of the matter"

A way to improve this when working with client's, and getting better results --> faster, is listening with no intent. The idea that by shutting off your conscious mind for a period of time, it will enable your wisdom to come through and find the perfect solution and set of objectives for you and your client.

Put this into practice and you will be well on the way to realising your client's vision, and I don't doubt, some way to realising your own.

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