Saturday 2 April 2011

The Secret to Productivity and Enjoyment

There is a Secret that 99% of us are missing out on.

It's a Secret that all the superstars in the world of coaching and training already know and understand.

Those that live the life that they want and realised their dreams every day. Those people that are having seemingly "effortless success". They all understand the 1 thing that affects your ability to be productive, and how to work it in their favour.

This secret is's your Mood

Mood affects everything we do. It affects our productivity, drive, interactions, relationships, communication, body language and, in essence, our whole being.

When we are in a good mood, everything seems easy.
  • We are very productive and driven to overcome anything that is put in our way
  • When we interact and communicate, our message gets across to the recipient and we have a greater understanding of the messages they are sending us
  • As a result, our relationships are fluid and problem free, creating a greater shared pleasure and appreciation from both sides
  • Our body language is positive and welcoming, and this further reinforces our level of attraction and value
  • We are at ease with ourselves and our world, and of greater assistance and guidance to those who we interact with
We've all been in this situation. It creates the sense that anything is possible, that any goal can be realised and that we can deliver - no matter what.

Flip the situation to when we are in a bad or low mood:

  • We have lots to do and are overwhelmed meaning we achieve only a fraction, if anything
  • We stuggle to communicate our message effectively, often taking 3 or 4 attempts to get our audience to understand what it is we are talking about
  • Our body language becomes submissive causing us to repel others, often without realising it
  • Our relationships with people are strained due to the lack of understanding
  • We have a million worries about every single thing that we need to do, must do and what might happen if we don't do it
So...why is the world a different place when we are in a good mood, as opposed to a bad one?

Answer - Our Thinking 

Our world is a constant. Things existed before we all were here, and will exist long after. We have little influence over most things that happen in our world. I use the term 'our' in this instance because each individual is living in their own world, the one created by the power of their thought.

It is how we can all have such separate experiences of the same events, through all of our senses.

We have a gazillion thoughts every day, a balance of positive and negative. This is a constant wave, and never changes.

When we are in a good mood, it's not that we have NO negative thoughts, it's that we give them no credit - we pay no attention to them. Because of this we have mental clarity and we swim down positive rivers of thought, which will flow into the sea of productivity and traquillity.

When we are in a bad mood, it's not that we have NO positive or inspiring thoughts, it's that we become so attentive to all the thoughts running through our head. It is impossible for us to know which are productive and which are destructive. We have sensory overload, and this is what causes us to have poor mental clarity. Poor mental clarity leads to poor decision making, because we follow all thoughts rather than the ones we know to be good. We are swimming in a similar river, with the same power, but it is flowing to the sea of negativity and destruction.

Phrases such as "I need to", "I really must" and "I have too much to do, and no time to do it" are common when we are in low mood.

That's great, but how does understanding this relate to me??

A good understanding of this means you will follow your thoughts when you are in a high mood and be productive. It also means that you will recognise when you are in a low mood, that your thinking is not to be trusted, and take action to deal with your mood (e.g. have a rest, take a break, have lunch, listen to some calming music for 5 mins).

Mood is a river of thought. You are the swimmer, so you can decide which river you swim in. Remember, all you have to do to ensure you get out of the negative river before it reaches the sea.

The same can be said of clients or colleagues that you work with. They will follow the same mental processes (we have all had a client or colleague who turns up with that 'I could happily punch everyone I see right now' look on their face).
Once you recognise they are in a low mood, you can focus on helping them out of it so they can be productive, safe in the knowledge if they are abrupt or negative it is not personal and is only their thinking.

This can always make you someone who people gravitate to because you can make them feel good. You can feel good because they are productive, and because you have helped them achieve it.

If there was someone you knew like that, with that level of understanding, wouldn't you want to spend time in their presence and absorb some of that 'positivity'?

I invite you to recognise your own thoughts next time you are in a high mood and smile at each positive thought and feeling that you have and the sensation of you floating down your river towards the sea.

I invite you to recognise the feeling of low mood, recognise that your thinking doesn't feel good. If you feel 'swamped' or 'drowning' in thought, recognise that its probably time to get out of the water, dry yourself off, grab a big float to lie on, and just let it find its own natural way to the river that leads you to your sea of traquillity.


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